The question of how we can turn on right-brain talents is kind of a big one I don't have time to survey thoroughly here – or even in this lifetime. But now we've had a look at the kind of things that are at stake here, let's have a look at what freequencies can do and how we can use them. In keeping with where we started off, here's a user's guide to your brain's frequencies. Bear in mind when you're reading it that it doesn't just deal with right brain skills, but with the effect on the brain's synergetic left/right brain operation that happens when the brain runs at different speeds.
Brainwave Cycles per second Brain state
Beta 13-25 Conscious mind; logical thought, analysis and action. Basic orientation of our society.
Alpha 8-12 Relaxation and meditation, daydreaming, imagination. Relaxed alertness for inspiration, fast assimilation of facts, heightened memory. Access to subconscious, and thereby to your self-image.
Theta 4-7 Deep meditation and reverie. The twilight zone of creativity, suggestibility, inspiration; dominant from ages two to five. Drowsiness. Source of countless artistic and scientific inventions. Highly active when left/right brains, and subconscious and conscious, are working in symbiosis. The left brain ceases to censor consciousness, and intuition and emotion become more active.
Delta 0.5-3 Deep dreamless sleep
It's fair to say that when you start moving your consciousness out of the beta state in alpha and theta states, you start getting right-brain skills and messages seeping through. There's been some interesting research into different brain frequencies. Dr Thomas Budzynski, of the Colorado Medical Centre and the BioFeedback Centre of Denver, found that when people were trained to achieve and maintain theta brain waves using biofeedback, they learned faster. Many emotional and attitudinal states become mutable. Racial prejiudices became easier to dissolve, overeating became easier for people to turn into healthier eating, and insomnia and drink problems became easier to tackle.
Frequency and Rhythm
Something obvious: rhythm is at the heart of the natural universe: the moon, the tides, the stars and planets, the seasons. Humans run on rhythm, on frequency. We have a daily circadian cycle, our hormones rise and fall in an orderly way.
Dr Singh, head of botany at the Annamalai University in India, played 'lute-like' music to balsam plants, and found that in a month they had produced 72 per cent more leaves and grew 20 per cent taller than a control group. Harvests from a field which had the rhythmic music played to it using loudspeakers were 25 to 60 per cent higher than the national average.
A Mrs Retallack of Denver University found that playing rock music to petunias, zinnias, and marigolds made them either grow abnormally tall or remain stunted. Flowers leaned away from the source of rock music. In two weeks the flowers died. But playing Haydn, Brahms, Beethoven, and Ravi Shankar made flowers lean towards the sound source, so that the closest plants wrapped themselves around the speakers.
Classical ad baroque composers use a musical system which asserts that there is a sacred geometry to the universe which, if applied to art, architecture and music, resonates with life-enhancing force.
All matter is energy in vibration, and physicist Dr Donald Hatch says , 'We are finding that the world is composed not of matter, but of music'. When Dr Hans Jenny used liquids, metal filings and powders to see the effects of music on the vibration of materials, he discovered that as the pitch of the sound ascended, the harmonic patterns on metal disc surfaces changed – not just repeating or extending the previous mathematically ordered geometric shapes, but to new ones, like spirals, mandalas and honeycombs. When Jenny recorded the sound of the Hindu syllable 'Om', it produced a perfect circle filled with concentric triangles and squares. Just like in the meditation text books. The final chord of Handel's Messiah produces a perfect five pointed star, or pentagram.
Different music has different effects. French researcher Mme Belanger asked students to extend their right arms horizontally, and then exerted pressure on them, measuring the resistance, and repeated the process a half hour later. When Led Zeppelin was played, students resistance was weakened; classical music had a neutral or strengthening effect. (It isn't recorded if the Zepp was something like Black Dog or Wearing and Tearing, or something more mellow like Rain Song.) Also, it's a commonplace that rock has heavier bass than classical (but check out Carmina Burana) because it's sexy – and bassy rock stimulates our loins. Hence the obsession with bass in recent acid house – ecstasy-gobbling sensory-stimulated ravers having their genitals massaged by the air, hand in sexy hand.
Baroque composers tried to create ideal mathematical form in their music, and seem to have produced exactly the right frequency to harmonise brain functions and create calm, relaxed alertness. It often has steady bass at 60 bpm (acid house has steady bass at 120 bpm). Baroque music tends to produce a brain rhythm of 7.5 cycles per second, just at the beginning Alpha frequencies, the mind's meditative state. It's also vibration of the ionosphere, the vacuum layer of the earth's upper atmosphere which reflects radio and TV communications, and the vibration of the key note of Pythagoras' music of the spheres.
When we meditate, we tune in with one of the earth's brain waves
Dr E Peterson of Iowa State University tested using music which stimulated alpha brain waves during training of US Navy recruits, and found that 92 per cent of recruits liked the training more with the music, and that absenteeism was 'very low.'
Some arithmetic
The average IQ is 100.
'Genius' IQ is 160.
The average human uses around 4 per cent of their potential brain power.
If the average human could learn to use 7 per cent of their brain power, they could achieve genius-level.

Source: Ain23
A way to lower stress levels is by turning off the neural networks firing in the brain during episodes when you are under chronic stress. These networks don't know how to stop on their own and continually send out messages to release hormones that soon become poisonous to the brain.
ReplyDeleteilchi lee brain education
Yeah, just turn them off, easy